10 Best Halloween Party Games for Kids

We introduced you to the frightfully Halloween party games for adults that will cost you creeps but when it comes to kids we need to be really careful with what they choose as their pastime. Halloween is more intriguing to kids than to adults and it becomes important we introduce them to games that don’t have a bad impact on their thinking.

Though Halloween is about dressing evil and scaring the heck out of your friends but when it comes to kids, the games they play should be centered on creativity and fun rather than spookiness. Here is a list of ten Halloween party games for kids that will keep your little monsters on their toes.

Sweep the Pumpkin

Sweep the Pumpkin Race_Kid Friendly Halloween Party Games
Image: Boothbay Register

A toddler is not familiar with what Halloween truly is, yet is most excited to celebrate the fest. For your little monsters at home who are bustling with energy and always fiddling with items, they need a favorite pastime for Halloween and what’s better them handing a broom and a pumpkin. The rules of the game are simple. It is a race that involves your kid to sweep the pumpkin and cross the finish line. The one who does it first gets all guts and glory.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

Pumpkin Carving Contest for Kids during Halloween Party
Image: Brown Bites Blog

Carving pumpkin is an art and it is the right time you can introduce your kids to the genre. Hand some simple pumpkin carving tools to your kids and let their creativity flutter skies. Just make sure the tools you are handing over to your ward are not sharp enough that they end up hurting themselves. Also be around the kids while they carve the pumpkin. I am pretty sure the contest will keep them entertained and also make them competitive in nature. Get your pumpkin carving kit for less than $10 from Amazon.

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Pumpkin Decorating Contest_Halloween Games for Kids
Image: NYMetroParents

If you are afraid of handing knife and carving tools to your kids just pass them a paintbrush and let them decorate the pumpkin in the best way possible. You can even provide them stickers which nourishes their creativity and opens up doors for a bright artistic future. As far as the game is concerned, the one with the best decoration takes the maximum chocolates home.

Apple Bobbing

Apple Bobbing_Kid Friendly Halloween Party Games
Image: Wikipedia

If your kids haven’t already played this past Halloween, its time you introduce them to the classic Halloween tradition of apple bobbing. Over the years, the game has seen many variations in different parts of the world. However, when it comes to kids, we will keep it simple and safe. Apples are put into a tub of water where they float because the fruit is less dense than water. All kids have to pick as many apples from the bucket using their mouth and with their hands tied behind the back. The one who takes out the maximum number of apples in minimum time wins the game.

Halloween Musical Chairs

Halloween Musical Chairs with kids
Image: Apartment Prepper

There are many ways you can add a spice of fear and fright to the musical chairs game at Halloween. You can either dress your kid with fancy Halloween costume or even decorate the chairs with skeletons and creepy wreaths. The choice is yours, and kids better not shy. You asked for it little monsters !

Cup Knock Down Contest

Cup Knock Down Game for kids at Halloween Party
Image: Mas and Pas

While adults might show off their class by playing fancy bowling game at their patio, kids are little more notorious and impatient. Instead of focusing on being classy they want something quick and fun and what’s better than a cup knock down game. Arrange some plastic cups and place them one above the other is a desired manner. Let kids throw small balls at them and the one who knocks the maximum cups down wins the contest.

Also Read: 50+ Ways to Make Halloween Pumpkin from Different Materials

Witch Hat Ring Toss

Witch Hat Ring Toss for Kids Halloween Party
Image: Us Two Plus You

Kids absolutely love witch hats. But there is more to these head covering object than just wearing it like your Halloween crown. Kids can utilize these hats to play ring toss and enjoy the day of 31st October. You can even put some sweets under the hat to add more fun to the game. This will make kids competitive and add flair to your Halloween party.

Pumpkin Golf

Pumpkin Golf for Halloween
Image: A girl and a glue Gun

One of my collogues loved it to core and I am pretty sure so will your kids. Courtesy of A girl and a glue gun who DIYs a faux pumpkin into a cup with its stem acting as the pin. All kids have to do is take shots turn by turn and play golf at the Halloween party. The one who is successful in landing the ball inside the pumpkin wins the game. In case of a tie we can go sudden death round. So what are your kids waiting for!

Solve the Skeleton Puzzle

Solve the Skeleton Puzzle Game_Kid Friendly Halloween Party Games
Image: Sugar and Charm

If your kids tell you they are bored with these childish games and want something spookier, its time you introduce skeletons to your Halloween party. Sugar and Charm tells us how you can make DIY bones for the skeleton out of foam, and hot glue a magnet on each. All kids have to do is arrange the pieces in a skeleton first and the first child to do it wins the game.

Spider Race

Spider Race for Kids Halloween Game
Image: Still Playing School

I’ll turn twenty seven this year but if you ask me one game that I’d like to add to my Halloween party, it is the Spider race. All you have to do blow a faux spider via a straw and make it reach the finish line. The kid whose spider reaches the finish line first wins. Happy Halloween kids !


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