It is not surprising that the inhabitants of the original 13 colonies lived harder than contemporary Americans, without the benefit of modern conveniences. But the settlers always found ways to do their job, to make themselves a little more comfortable, and even to have fun. From farm tools to kitchen utensils and toys, these 13 items were commonplace in homes during colonial times.
Fire bucket
In the days leading up to the fire service, the entire community was responsible for putting out fires. Few of the houses were without a fire pail, thick leather, and kept near the front door. People lined up and passed buckets of water from hand to hand to put out the fire; empty buckets were returned along the line to be refilled.
This important agricultural tool consisted of two wooden sticks – a long handle and a shorter stick known as a swingle or swipe – connected by a leather strap, rope, or short chain. Colonial farmers used flails to thresh or “thresh” wheat and other grains to remove seeds and husks.
Berry, tallow and whale oil candles
In the days before electricity, candles were an integral part of colonial homes. Many people made their own candles by boiling berries from berry berries and skimming the thick greenish wax on top. Farmers and hunters also collected and stored animal fat to make tallow candles. But the brightest, most durable (and expensive) candles were made from spermaceti, a waxy material found in the head of a sperm whale.
Wool cards
Most settlers did not have access (or could not afford) prefabricated fabrics, so they made their own, often from sheep wool. A key part of this process was carding, which involved pulling the wool fibers back and forth between two thin rectangular boards (cards) covered with wire teeth. Carding removed tangles and ensured that all the wool was facing the same direction, making it easier to spin.
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Although many boys learned to read and write from their parents or local ministers, and others received a more formal education, it was not considered necessary for girls. Many colonial-era children learned the alphabet, numbers, and other basics (like the Our Father) using a book of horns, a sheet of paper mounted on a tablet of wood, leather or bone and covered with a thin strip of transparent horn.
No well-behaved young girl in Colonial America would be without her sampler, the ubiquitous piece of embroidered cloth on which she practiced basic sewing skills. Samples ranged from simple letters and numbers to poems, family records and elaborate depictions of religious or pastoral scenes.
Spinning top
Without manufactured or electronic toys, many children played with games and toys made from common materials found around the home. The whirlwind was a simple whirling toy made from a circular disc (made of bone, clay, or even a spare button) with a string threaded through its center. By pulling firmly on the string and releasing it, children could make the whirlpool ring and buzz.
This trick to making houses smell good actually dates back to medieval Europe; its name comes from french amber apple, which means “amber apple”. A piece of fruit – usually an orange – would be sprinkled with cloves and rubbed with oils and spices to make it even more fragrant. Pomanders were often hung on ribbons and used as decorations, especially during the holidays.
Colonial-era homes could get brutally cold in winter. Before bed, people would sometimes heat the sheets by filling these circular metal pans with charcoal, inserting them into their bed, and quickly moving it back and forth to avoid burning the sheets. When not in use, stoves were often hung near the kitchen fireplace.
Salt shaker
At many colonial dining tables, the salt cellar, or “standing salt,” served as the centerpiece. In a tradition reported from medieval Europe, the salt shaker also indicated the status of the guests: Those who were seated “above the salt” (near the end of the table where the host and hostess were seated) were the guests of honor. Children and less important guests were seated in the middle or at the other end of the table, or “under the salt.”
READ MORE: 7 events that enraged settlers and led to the American Revolution
Sugar tongs
Sugar, a relative luxury at the time, was often sold in loaves or cones that could weigh up to 10 pounds each. This tool, also known as sugar snips or sugar cutters, allowed people to cut small pieces from the cones to incorporate them into their tea or to grind them using a mortar and a pestle to make granulated sugar.
When it came to setting the colonial table, one of the most important items was the slicer. These thick, rectangular wooden dishes had recessed spaces in the middle for food. Settlers ate directly from simple plates, often with their hands, as utensils (other than spoons) did not become commonplace until the 18th century.
Watches and clocks were rare in colonial America. Instead, most people relied on the sun to tell the time. To follow the sun as it moved across the sky from east to west, they used sundials. These ancient devices indicated the time in the shadow of a pointer projected by the sun on a metal plate marked with the hours, and were almost as precise as the mechanical timepieces of the time. Alternatively, people would scratch marks on a window sill or threshold, indicating the position of the sun at noon.