The holidays are the time of year when time flies very slowly. It’s nice to spend a few days with your friends and family if you can. Maybe you’re even back in your hometown. But you basically spend your days eating, watching TV, and waiting for the next meal (unless you’re the unlucky one who makes all the meals, then you’re stuck in the kitchen for days).
To avoid getting bored, I want to play games this year. Any game will do – whether it’s a complicated board game, a simple card game, scrabble, or just a huge puzzle. Actually, I’m a real Monopoly fan, but I will also agree with UNO. Anything to avoid watching the Helene Fischer show on ARD…
But what if you don’t have any of these games at home? Well we have a solution for that! We have come up with a few sets for you that you can simply print out at home on a regular A4 sheet. Now that the games are on …
Like Berlin bingo
How about a bingo game with your family? It’s so easy that even your grandma can join her (if she joins him this year). We searched our Like A Berliner book which we did with Sophia Halamoda and picked our favorite words from various chapters and put them in a bingo game. You can download the game in PDF format and print it at home (it comes with 30 different bingo cards so you can play it all day).
Stadt Land Fluss (Berlin edition)
The popular German word game (which might not really have an English name but is close to Scattergories) requires a bit more brain as you have to find words in different categories starting with a certain letter which must be chosen at random to every turn. Instead of City, Country, River, we’ve chosen other categories related to Berlin – but if that’s too difficult for you, feel free to change them to simpler categories, like in the original game. You can download a game sheet here and print one for each player.
The challenge lottery
This game requires more DIY skills and creativity on your part. The idea is to create a large number of small cards with different challenges written on them that players have to draw one by one at random. You can simply create these cards by writing the challenges on small pieces of paper, folding them, and throwing them in a bowl. The challenges may be different, but should be personalized based on what your specific group of players will feel comfortable responding to (don’t ask sexual questions if you are playing with your parents unless you are prepared to hear the answers …). The challenges can be hard or easy, can be questions, physical challenges, telling secrets or anecdotes, charades or other performances, poems or songs, whatever you can think of.
Happy holidays and enjoy the games!
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