6 Presidential Campaign Slogans That Fell Flat

Puns, rhymes, and catchy phrases do remarkably well in presidential campaigns in the United States, even if they seem a bit cheesy. After succeeding Warren G. Harding upon his death in office, Calvin Coolidge won the 1926 election using the slogan “Keep Cool with Coolidge”. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s slogan in 1952, “I Like Ike”, was so popular that one of his re-election slogans in 1956 was “I Still Like Ike”.

“What [‘I Like Ike’] actually say about its policies? Nothing, but it’s cute, ”says Julia Abramoff, editor and managing editor at Apollo Publishers, who recently published Words to be won by: U.S. Presidential Election slogans, logos and designs. Historically, popular presidential slogans have focused more on being brief, concise, and memorable than on articulating a candidate’s political position.


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