A Roundup of Berlin’s Best Snow Memes

photo: Berlin Notes

Berlin’s memes are here again and so are we. We’ve covered them before and today we’re discussing our city’s best quarantine comic relief pieces in this winter crisis. The weather seems to reflect our general mood these days, so today we’re putting together Berlin’s best snow memes. Baby, it’s cold outside, so make yourself comfortable with a cold or steaming, hot Glühwein club mate, and get ready for some fun.

photo: Berlin Notes

Berlin snow people

We all know Berlin is a city that celebrates diversity. But that goes beyond “normal” people and also applies to snow people (snowmen are such an outdated term, ugh).

A transformation that we can all associate with.

photo: Berlin Ausländer Memes

Some wild animals have escaped from the zoo …

photo: Berlin Notes

Even a snow Sven! Heute leider nicht… Probably not tomorrow either… or the next day…

photo: Berlin Club Memes

And a lonely partier wondering where the afternoons are.

photo: Berlin Club Memes

And the guy who ghosted you … I bet his name is Florian.

photo: Berlin Ausländer Memes

“Straight guys love snow!”

He’s back spitting out facts. Daniel Ryan Spaulding says what we all think… that all that snow gives us an appalling feeling of romance if you’re straight.

Free ammo

You have a friend somewhere.

photo: Berlin Notes

It’s Ficken season

And you even have a secret admirer! But it’s probably Florian again… and we all know he’ll be gone tomorrow morning.

photo: Berlin Notes

Joab from Notes of Berlin even launched a brand new Instagram account dedicated to snowmenofberlin.

photo: snowmenofberlin

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February 8, 2021
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