If you’ve lived in Berlin for a long time and your job is to find out everything about the city, I can tell you, surprising me with something new is a feat you are doomed to fail. Alas, of course, you are really inventive. And whoever organized this glo ™ treasure hunt I was invited to last week certainly has!
All this experience made me realize that the city has an infinity of surprises in store for me. Discovering Berlin from a new perspective, seeing places I had never seen before, or seeing familiar places in a new light – this is what motivates me to do this blog and it keeps my enthusiasm for Berlin as fresh as first day.
What does it take to be surprised? How to make a visit to a famous cafe, a popular street food restaurant and an ordinary Späti all over again exciting? Well let me give you a little recap of the aforementioned treasure hunt by glo ™.
The tour started in a Späti in Neukölln where we were equipped with fanny packs filled with the new glo ™ Heater and other goodies, a waterproof poncho and an electric bicycle. There we had the first of three maps with clues to the following locations. It started out easy, the first one being pretty obvious, but the other two that I only found when hearing other participants talk about the answer, in case of one, I even went to the wrong place first. . So it certainly wasn’t easy – even for a Berlin aficionado like me.
Coffee and cake with granny
A staple of German culture is the traditional afternoon treat of “Kaffee und Kuchen” – coffee and cake. I can confirm that as I am German and my parents still have this extra meal of the day almost every day. I had no idea that my first spot that would take me to the iconic Princess Cheesecake cafe in Mitte would turn into this.
I was expecting coffee and cake in the normal cafe, but upon arriving there my hunting companions and I were lured into the back yard where a lovely table with a traditional coffee table and a Hollywood swing were waiting for us. The editing was perfected with a German grandmother IRL who pleased us with stories from days gone by in good old Berlin.
I certainly didn’t see it coming! But I loved this surprise – definitely not had this experience before here in Berlin.
Do your own thing
Next stop was the really colorful and quirky District Môt, a popular street restaurant from Saigon to Mitte. If you haven’t been, the place itself is already worth a visit. Super colorful with lots of decoration that would be tacky on its own, but in this setting it’s just cute and fun.
Our visit there too: we had to mix our own house cocktails by deciding for ourselves how much soaked chia seeds, ginger strips, berries and alcohol we want to have in our drink. This wasn’t your regular cocktail-mixing session, it was more of a feast for the eyes too.
You can also get a henna tattoo on your hand by an Indian woman. It might not have made much sense on a normal restaurant visit – but in this case, anything was possible.
A Späti recharged 24/7
The last stop was something that I secretly always wanted to do myself at one of my events: completely rename an entire store with specially designed products. We’ve all seen this big fashion show in Paris with the supermarket completely renamed. It’s this one!
In the case of our scavenger hunt, glo ™ really went out of its way to replace all Späti products on Kastanienallee with products in their own style, including candy, popcorn, snacks, chocolate, cereals. , drinks, ice cream and much more. Of course, the glo ™ heater that we tried out here and the colorful packaging fits perfectly into this whole scenario. If I wanted to present a chic new product, I would definitely do it like this!
Späti culture is such a big thing in Berlin – glad to see it incorporated here with so much love for detail. And it was sure to be a great end to the treasure hunt. I certainly felt inspired to continue to experience Berlin in new and different ways. I hope you too!
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