Disneyland, Walt Disney’s metropolis of nostalgia, fantasy and futurism, opened on July 17, 1955. The $ 17 million theme park was built on 160 acres of old orange groves in Anaheim, California, and quickly generated staggering profits. Today, Disneyland welcomes more than 18 million visitors a year, who spend nearly $ 3 billion.

READ MORE: Disastrous Disneyland Opening Day

Walt Disney, born in Chicago in 1901, worked as a commercial artist before setting up a small studio in Los Angeles to produce cartoons. In 1928, his short film Steamboat Willy, with the character “Mickey Mouse”, was a national sensation. It was the first animated film to use sound, and Disney provided Mickey’s voice. From then on, Disney cartoons were in high demand, but the company experienced financial difficulties due to Disney’s insistence on constantly improving artistic and technical quality. His first feature film cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1938), took three years and was a great commercial success.


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