End of account sharing: Netflix changes the rules again after an error – News Séries

Netflix is ​​once again changing its rules on password sharing after announcing its plan to combat account sharing earlier this week, which sparked a lot of anger.

We told you about it last week, the web ignited after a journalist’s tweet including a screenshot of the new rules imposed by Netflix on account sharing. In the meantime, Netflix has removed these changes from its site, but the streamer is not abandoning this project.

As a reminder, in December 2022, Netflix announced that it planned to crack down on the sharing of passwords and that it would charge subscribers extra for sharing their logins. In a new update, the streaming service clarifies its measures on password sharing amid total confusion.

We know there’s been a lot of confusion about Netflix sharing. A Netflix account is for one household only, so we’re rolling out new features in Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain (and more widely in the coming months) to give you more control your account…

This update has been published on the Netflix site in the United States. This nevertheless gives us an idea of ​​what could be implemented in France. It specifies that users will have to define a main place of residence, but the streaming platform will remain accessible on a personal device or a new television when they use it on the go during holidays for example.

As for additional users outside of the household, Netflix subscribers can purchase profiles for up to two people they don’t live with, for an additional $5.95 per profile. Netflix says it has been experimenting with these measures for customers in Latin America over the past year, and starting today, subscribers in Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain are affected. by these changes.

Netflix © 2022

How come the rules are still changing?

Everything Netflix Said About Password Sharing

Netflix revealed that more than 100 million households have shared their accounts and that this practice affects its ability to develop new content. Among the other features specified in the update is the ability to transfer profiles, which means that if a user on a shared profile wants to take their own Netflix subscription, their shared profile can be transferred to their next account. The process is explained ici.

While these measures against password sharing have come in for a lot of criticism since Netflix announced its plans, this new update hasn’t been received much more favorably. While the rules appear less stringent, critics still point out that they fail to account for separated families, such as those with children living outside the home.

Recently, Netflix came under fire for posting a message on Twitter in 2017 titled “Love is sharing a password“. The company has taken a 180 degree turn since. As a result, some long-time subscribers have canceled their subscriptions. It is not yet known how much these new rules will affect the company or not. .

However, the update (still on the US site) concludes that Netflix may change features based on user feedback, so it’s always possible Netflix’s rules will change again!

Contacted by us, the French branch of Netflix has not yet responded to our request for information on what will be implemented in the territory. To be continued…

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