photo: No nothing.
Pornceptual launches its fourth magazine issue FUCK 2020 – a sentiment that many of us can relate to – bringing us inclusive pornographic works from over 100 contributors from 33 countries and 5 continents.
Without a doubt, the pandemic has had a profound impact on our relationship with intimacy, human contact, and sex over the past year. Through the prism of pornography and art, FUCK 2020 explores these topics by providing a platform for artists whose voices are not always heard, especially as the threat of online censorship continues to grow. grow.
“Although eventful, the past year has been historic, but sex has not always been part of the story, ”wrote Raquel Fedato, member of the editorial team at Pornceptual. “We cannot let these stories be forgotten, especially those of marginalized sexualities.
photo: Kiddy Smile by André Atangana
photo: André Medeiros Martins
photo: Arsenyco
photo: Oliver Sarley
photo: Itsversayce
On the cover, French ballroom legend Kiddy Smile, who in an interview talks about the many challenges performers have faced as the pandemic has brought queer and sexually positive nightlife to a standstill. By allowing artists to express themselves in print during times of instability, Pornceptual also supports those who otherwise rely on live events for their livelihood, innovation and continued self-exploration.
Fedato hopes FUCK 2020 inspires readers to explore how porn art could redefine recent sadness and ruin, as the magazine shares work on a variety of issues related to isolation, queerness, feminism and digital sex in a more optimistic and festive light.
“It was important for us to set the right tone for the magazine,” Fedato wrote. “We were dealing with delicate themes, but the stories are about empowerment, optimism and political reflections. It’s been a dark year for many of us, but that’s not the magazine’s purpose. “
photo: Bruno Nogueira
photo: Karolina Jackowska
photo: No nothing
photo: Chris Phillips
photo: Omer Gaash
Despite the challenges of 2020, Fedato and the rest of the Pornceptual team were “very inspired by the innovation and resilience of the communities represented”.
The colorful and stimulating work featured in the magazine is a true indication of the power of art, sex and creativity, and will certainly give you an inspiring taste of the intimacy we all lacked in those days.
Pornceptual aims to decontextualize pornography from the way it is consumed in the mainstream by bringing into the art paradigm that is queer, diverse and inclusive. If you would like to support Pornceptual and the artists featured in the FUCK 2020 issue, you can pre-order your copy. here.
photo: Proud Devakula & Phattharaporn Thongsuk
photo: Stefan Gunnesch and John Brant
photo: Tarek Moukaddem
photo: Tatenda Chidora
photo: Yeu Sánchez
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