Google Referrer Header and Privacy Settlement

Google Referrer Header Privacy Settlement payouts commenced on 26 January 2024. PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, and the recipient bank will email or SMS approved claimants who choose electronic payment.

Google Referrer Header and Privacy Settlement

There are already more than 1 billion Google users globally, and the majority of Americans likely utilized the search engine between 2006 and 2013 for work, leisure, or education. Should you have done so, you could qualify for free money as part of a class-action case in which Google and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California are both involved.

On January 26, 2024, settlement monies started to be distributed. The following parties will send an email or text message to approved claimants who choose to receive their payment electronically: PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, the receiving bank, or (for virtual Mastercard payments).

The Kroll Referrer Header Settlement website states that if a claim is accepted, each applicant will get around $7.70. As more information about the number of claims, settlement administrative expenses, and legal fees becomes available, that estimate might be revised.

Google Referrer Header Settlement Payout

The overall number of claims submitted will determine the precise amount that each class member will receive. The settlement page states that each individual could expect to pay around $7.70.

The lawsuit against Google’s legal claims would be settled by the settlement. Google disputes every one of these allegations, and the Settlement does not constitute Google’s admission of guilt. The class-action lawsuit may encompass anyone who, between October 25, 2006, and September 30, 2013, clicked on a Google search link.

Google has agreed to pay $23 million towards legal expenses, litigation costs, settlement administration costs, payments to class representatives, and payments to members of the settlement class who submit claims.

How do I submit a Google referrer header settlement claim?

You must get a Class Member ID and complete a registration form to submit a claim. To see your claim form, copy and enter that Class Member ID into the website Select your payment method and fill it out.

Google Referrer Header and Privacy Settlement

  • After there, you have two options for submitting your claim: either print out the form.
  • Fill it out, and send it to the settlement administrator at In re Google Referrer Header Privacy Settlement c/o Kroll Settlement Administration, P.O. Box 225391, New York, NY, 10150-5391, or submit it online.

Claims must be submitted by July 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. PT, either online or by mail. July 31 is also the deadline to contest the settlement or request to be left out.

Who qualifies for money from the Google settlement?

A claim may be submitted in the settlement by any resident of the US who used Google Search and clicked on a result between October 26, 2006, and September 30, 2013.

To get a Class Member ID, you must register to submit a claim form online. It is a quick and easy procedure that just takes a few minutes.

Your email address and phone number are required. Your class member ID, which is a string of characters and digits, and your registration confirmation will be sent to you by email as soon as you register.

When will I receive my money?

Payments will be made after the final approval hearing, which is set for October 12, 2023. The settlement announcement said that appeals might stall that process.

You can’t predict who will seek appeals or how long it will take to decide them; that much is clear from the notice.

13-year Google privacy settlement pays litigants

Following a protracted legal struggle with the massive advertising company, about 2.5 million persons who clicked on a Google Search link between October 25, 2006, and September 30, 2013, might anticipate receiving $7.16 as compensation for accusations of privacy violations.

Tuesday marked the final approval of a $23 million settlement by US District Judge Edward Davila of the Northern District of California. This settles a privacy lawsuit that was first brought against Google on October 25, 2010.

As we previously reported this year, the settlement terms were negotiated last year and made public on a website in June. As per the agreement, Google acknowledges no misconduct.

Not all of the plaintiffs involved in the lawsuit are happy with the settlement that was reached. Retired lawyer Clifford Weiler, a claimant in the lawsuit, submitted an objection in July stating that the compensation is too low considering the gravity of the claimed infractions, Google’s size and income, and the length of the wrongdoing.

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