How Toys Changed After World War II

World War II produced countless innovations that would change American life for decades to come, from the rugged Jeep to mass-produced penicillin to the terrifying atomic bomb. But, ironically enough, few American industries were more deeply affected by the war than the toy industry.

Not only have designers and manufacturers of toys and games been able to take advantage of the latest scientific advances, such as inexpensive, colorful plastics; they also benefited from two other postwar trends. The baby boom – more than 76 million children born between 1946 and 1964 – offered them a record number of potential customers. And television, little more than a novelty before the war, soon made it possible to show the latest toys to millions of children at once. It’s no wonder that toy sales soared from $84 million in 1940 to $900 million in 1953 and billions in the early 1960s.


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