John C. Calhoun – Biography, Facts & Significance

John C. Calhoun (1782-1850) of South Carolina was one of the most influential politicians in the United States and a leading voice for the South during the prewar era. He served as United States Representative, Secretary of War, Vice President, and Secretary of State, and had a long career in the United States Senate, during which he became a staunch advocate for the rights of states and l institution of slavery.

Youth and career

John Caldwell Calhoun was born to a large Scottish-Irish family on a plantation in rural South Carolina on March 18, 1782. His father, Patrick Calhoun, fought in the War of Independence and was elected to the Carolina Legislature. South after its end. Patrick died when John was 13 and his three older brothers helped pay for his education. Calhoun eventually attended Yale University in Connecticut, where he graduated in 1804. He studied briefly at Litchfield Law School in Connecticut before returning to South Carolina, where he settled in Abbeville.


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