How to beat Pieta in Lords of the Fallen

As expected from the soulslike genre, lord of the fall Full of extremely challenging boss fights that limit the scope of dangerous exploration. While you’ll engage in a simple boss encounter during the tutorial, your first real encounter will be with She, the Pieta of Blessed Renewal, which will test your reflexes and patience to prepare you for the even more difficult encounters to come. Here are some tips on how to defeat him.

How to beat Pieta, she of blessed renewal

When you’re ready to face off against Pieta, you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared in advance by using up any stamina you have by leveling up at the nearest Vestige. Also, make sure you talk to the Iron Wayfarer just before the stairs leading to the ramparts where you encounter the boss. If you have talked to him there and his dialogue has ended, you will be able to summon him near the boss door to help in the fight. He’s very good at staying furious and dealing some extra damage, although you can expect him to be destroyed when you reach the second phase of the fight.

When you’re completely ready, include the Pieta and move closer to it. His first phase is fairly easy, consisting mainly of a mix of slow, telegraphed melee attacks, making it easy to dodge once the rhythm subsides. However, she occasionally raises her sword for a moment, at which point you have to wait a second before dodging left or right to avoid the high damage beam of Radiant magic. Otherwise, keep wailing on her until you get her health down to the 70% mark, at which point she’ll slam her sword into the ground and begin her second phase.

Pieta’s second phase is significantly more dangerous than her first phase, as she not only flies and rotates more quickly, but she also adds several new attacks to her arsenal. Immediately after entering the second stage, she will perform the first of these new attacks by going to the back of the arena and flying in a straight line, firing a shower of radiant swords into the middle of the arena. However, this attack has a long arc, so you’ll have plenty of time to move to either side of the field to stay out of his way.

During this phase, Pieta will also occasionally summon two additional Radiant versions of herself, who will choose one of three lanes on the field to attack with a barrage of swords. Make sure to position yourself in the clear lane and face Pieta to make sure you are prepared for his upcoming attacks. Likewise, she can summon Radiant Knights that will launch powerful attacks and fire homing bolts at the ground that will follow you, so you will have to quickly dodge these attacks or risk taking substantial damage.

The most important thing to remember during Pieta’s second phase is that it is unwise to attack him during any of his summoned attacks or while he is in the middle of melee. Instead, focus on dealing damage after performing the combo, your best start would be after she’s slammed to the ground, as she’ll be immobilized for a few solid seconds after that. He’ll also have a decently long recovery animation after his dashing grab attack, so if you manage to avoid him, turn back and get in a few hits.

Magic and ranged attacks can help you chip away at Pieta’s health, but due to how quickly she can close gaps, they are best used when accompanied by the Iron Wayfarer or a co-op companion. The focus should be on that. Due to how much damage she does with each attack, you don’t want to get caught in the middle of throwing or throwing something.

Play defensively and keep taking advantage of Pieta’s opening to eventually bring him down. After this, you’ll gain access to Skyrest, which serves as the main hub of the game.

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