Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program from Microsoft that makes it easy to work with numbers and other values.
While Excel has a lot of power, it is also quite useful for simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
In fact, Excel's simple formulas make it easy to add and subtract numbers and cell values without breaking out the calculator.
How to Use Subtract Function in Excel
Many of Excel's most powerful capabilities come through the use of functions, a type of pre-designed formula.
For example, the SUM function automatically sums or sums a range of cells without manually adding each cell to the previous cell.
Unfortunately, there is no SUBTRACT function in Excel. That's because subtraction is one of the easiest things you can do in a spreadsheet.
I've found that performing subtractions in Excel is as easy as entering a simple mathematical formula. Excel does the rest.
The formula for subtracting one number from another starts with an equal sign and looks like this:
,value1 – value2
It doesn't get any simpler than that. You can subtract individual values or values that are in different cells.
For example, let's say I want to have an aquarium in my home so I can enjoy tropical fish.
I created a spreadsheet of the different tasks I needed to complete and how much I expected each purchase to cost. Then I collect receipts to note how much I actually spent. We'll use subtraction to see if my expected cost matches reality.
Step 1: Type the equal sign in the cell.
You subtract numbers and cell values in Excel by using a simple formula. In Excel, every formula starts with an equal sign, so place your cursor in the cell where you want to show the solution and enter the following:
Step 2: Add the first cell address.
Place the cursor after Equals and either enter the address of the first cell manually or use your mouse to select the first cell. You should now see something like this:
Step 3: Enter the minus sign.
Place the cursor after the first cell address and enter the minus sign, like this:
Step 4: Add the second cell address.
Place the cursor after the minus sign and either manually enter the address of the second cell or use your mouse to select the second cell. You now have the following formula:
Step 5: Press Enter for solution.
Press Enter to enter the formula, and the solution is displayed in the cell. After running the formula on each row of my sheet, I can see that I completed my aquarium with an additional $236.
Tips for Subtracting in Excel
You are not limited to just subtracting one cell from another. In my experience, I have found that Excel can perform many different types of subtractions.
For example, you can subtract entire rows and columns as well as cell ranges. Here are three tips on how to get the most out of subtraction in Excel.
How to subtract multiple cells
You are not limited to simple subtraction in Excel. You can subtract multiple cells from a single cell by joining additional cell addresses together with minus signs.
For example, to subtract cell C13 from C18 from B12, use the formula:
You can also write this as subtracting the range of cells from the first cell. In this example, you would use range B2:B4 And enter this formula:
Simply enclose the range you are subtracting in parentheses.
How to subtract entire column
You may want to subtract all the values in one column from all the values in another column. This is easily done by copying the formula from a single cell to all cells in the solution column.
Simply enter your subtraction formula in the first cell in a new column. Then, copy that formula to other cells in the column by dragging the corner of the first cell down the column.
All cells in subsequent rows will subtract the same two relative cells as in the first formula.
For example, if you copy the formula =D1-C1 Down through one column, the cells of each subsequent row will contain the formula:
And so on.
How to subtract the same number from a column of numbers
Excel also lets you subtract the same number or cell value from all the cells in a column. You do this by locking the repeated numbers with a dollar sign ($).
Let's say you want to subtract the value in a given cell from a range of cells. For our example, let's say the cell you want to subtract is G1.
You can't just enter G1 And then copy the formula because Excel will change the referenced cell as you copy the formula.
Instead, you need Lock Insert G1 into the formula using the dollar sign ($) in front of the row and column referenced by entering $g$1,
This tells Excel to always reference cell G1, whatever the other values in the formula. You end up with something like this:
pro tip: You can then copy that formula across the entire column, and subtract a certain number from each cell in that column.
To learn even more about Excel, check out our article on How to Use Excel Like a Pro. This helpful article contains 29 powerful tips, tricks, and shortcuts that will make Excel even more powerful.
Excel includes powerful arithmetic capabilities, including the ability to subtract numbers and cell values. Excel makes simple subtraction as easy as writing numbers on the blackboard.