Before you can step into the spotlight and start competing in the twisted gameshow-style shooter decisive, You get to choose what type of character you will play. Although the title is known for its fast and fluid pace and game-style presentation, it follows a lot of familiar trends from other competitive shooters, including multiple classes. Due to the focus on teams of three, it makes sense that there are three class types to choose from – light, medium, and heavy. Your choice of class not only changes your character, but also what specializations, weapons, and gadgets you can use. Plus, knowing how your classroom works best will make you a more valuable asset to your team. Here’s which class you should choose when competing decisive,
light class
Starting with the lightest and moving up, we have the fast but squishy Light class. Your character is the flashiest and hardest to hit of the group, but also has the lowest health to compensate. Your weapons of choice include a pistol, an SMG, a rifle, a shotgun, and a sword, so dealing damage in this class requires you to get up close and personal.
As for specialization, you have three options to support this aggressive play style. The cloak makes you invisible while standing still, but difficult to see while moving. The grappling hook is exactly the same. The dash lets you pull a quick juke to close gaps or escape incoming fire. Gadget-wise, you have access to grenades, some sensors, a stun gun, and more.
the middle class
We recommend starting with a medium build first to get an idea of what the game feels like on a “normal” level. This class is basically balanced in all respects including size, speed and health. Your weapon options are much more versatile and let you play with more range, including revolvers, shotguns, assault rifles, and grenade launchers. This class can almost be thought of as a support role for the team, which makes more sense when we talk about its specialization.
As for special abilities, the medium build gets a healing beam that can heal teammates, a Guardian Turret that automatically fires at enemies, and a turret to make opponents temporarily visible through cover. Recon senses are available. Notable gadgets include the zipline, mines, jump pad, and defibrillator.
heavy class
Finally, we come to Heavy, the big boy of the trio. This class may feel dull, but with a huge health pool and huge firepower, they are perfect for completing objectives. You are not just a bullet sponge as a Heavy, but also the most dangerous assassin with extreme damage output. Just remember that you are a big target and can’t move so easily in open areas. Stick with your team and choose smart paths to get the most out of this class. On the weapons front, you’re looking at an LMG, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, a sledgehammer, and even a flamethrower.
Heavy abilities focus on either an offensive or defensive style, giving you some room to tailor the class to your preferences. Charge ‘n’ Slam is your offensive choice, allowing you to charge forward and smash any obstacles in your path, or can be used in the air to slam straight down. The Goo Gun is the opposite and lets you spray balls of goo so you can create small temporary barriers. The Mesh Shield equips you with a holographic-looking shield to block any damage coming from the front, but still lets you and your teammates fire through it. The Heavy Build’s gadgets are almost all explosives, such as RPGs, grenades, mines, and C4, but it also has a dome shield for variety.