There Are No Orange Trees in Berlin – A Movie by Kida Ramadan

photo: Tim Rosenbohm, Port au Prince Pictures.

At iHeartBerlin, we like to present different perspectives on the city, proving that Berlin really is a canvas for all kinds of stories. ‘In Berlin wächst kein Orangenbaum’, Kida Ramadan’s first film, is a film that presents the streets of Kreuzberg in a way that goes beyond the usual imagery of snacks and late-night parties.

“In Berlin wächst kein Orangenbaum” is a new film set in Berlin that follows the story of Nabil, a man who is released from prison after 15 years and tries to adapt to his new reality. A surprising element of this new reality is the fact that Nabil now has a teenage daughter (played by Emma Drogunova). But that’s not all. Indeed, the main character struggles to become a father figure as he faces other personal crises, which radically change his outlook on life.

The screenplay is co-written by Juri Sternburg and Kida Ramadan, who also directed the film and played the main character. You might recognize Ramadan from the hit TV show 4 Blocks, when he rose to fame with the iconic portrait of Toni. The cast of “In Berlin wächst kein Orangenbaum” presents another star of 4 Blocks: Frederick Lau, who once starred in “Victoria”, another famous film set in Berlin.

The film premieres on September 24.

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by Michalina
September 22, 2020
in the movies

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