This Stylish and Minimal Stool Doubles as A Pet House

There was a time in history when our forefathers wanted everything big and bulky. I myself have spotted big chests, cartons and trunks inside my house and still possess them as a token of remembrance. Even when it came to pet furniture and pet house, they were not so stylish looking and weighed a lot more than available in the present-day market.

Whether they were infatuated with massy designs or just wanted to gloat their deep pockets is a different debate. But, times have changed, and so has the generation. Gone are the days when Gen X used to go gaga over heavy furniture and home décor items. We are nearing 2023, and it is when Millennials and Gen Z take over the world of design. Breaking the notion is Andrés Cáceres, a designer who has introduced the Guacal, which traditionally looks like a stool but doubles as a pet house.

The Guacal multifunctional stool reminds me of a cat bed that doubles as a coffee table, but in this case, the stool is for the owner to sit rather than just placing cups and trays on its top. Beginning with design, Guacal looks really attractive and boasts a squarish form featuring rounded edges. As you might have assumed, the lower section of the stool functions as a pet house and is ideal for small to medium size dog and cats.

There are transparent panels that supports the entire structure and also let you keep an eye on the activities of the pet. In addition, the transparent panel also maximizes the feeling of airiness and make sure that the pet do not develop any claustrophobic feelings when inside.

The top section comprises of wood which you can used to sit upon. The best part about whole design is, one can separate the transparent panels from the main structure. Once the panels are removed, the pet house transforms into an out and out stool ideal for entrance or living.

Also Read: 15+ Most Innovative Multifunctional Furniture for Small Living Spaces

Like I said, we the millennials don’t want bulky and non-pleasant designs. We want a combo of minimal, multifunctional and aesthetic in one piece, and Guacal multifunctional stool is exactly the design that serves the purpose successfully.

Guacal stool doubles as a pet carrier
Image: Andres Caceres
Guacal stool doubles as a pet carrier
Image: Andres Caceres
Guacal stool doubles as a pet carrier
Image: Andres Caceres


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