NB: We repeat it, but be careful, alcohol abuse remains very dangerous for your health, so take it easy, thank you. Also, you don’t get into a car when you’ve been drinking. It may be obvious to say it, but we say it anyway. DO WE AGREE? THANKS.
The pyramid / The highway / Red or black
1st phase:
One person is designated master of the game. With the cards in hand, they ask each person a question before turning over their card.
In the first round, the question is “red or black?” “. If it’s a correct answer, the player can dispense a sip, otherwise they drink it.
In the second round, the question is “more or less?” “. The player must guess if the next card will be higher than the one he had in the first round (The ace is the best card in the game). If it is a correct answer, the player can distribute TWO sips, otherwise he drinks them.
In the third round, the question is “inside or outside?” “. The player must guess whether the next card will be between the last two or outside this interval. If it is a correct answer, the player can distribute THREE sips, otherwise he drinks them.
In the fourth round, the question is “Spades, hearts, diamonds or clubs?” “. The day must guess the “color” of the next card. If it is a correct answer, the player can deal ONE DRY ASS, otherwise he drinks it.
2nd phase:
For the second phase, each player highlights in front of him the cards he received during the first phase. You then have to create a pyramid (or a toll highway, it all depends on the form of the game). In the case of a pyramid of face-down cards, we place:
– A first line of 5 cards, people with these same figures or numbers in their game will be able to deal ONE sip.
– A second line of 4 cards people with these same figures or numbers in their game will have to drink TWO sips.
– A third line of 3 cards, people with these same figures or numbers in their game will have to drink AND distribute THREE sips.
– A fourth line of 2 cards, one of the two cards will allow people with these same figures or numbers in their game to DISTRIBUTE a DRY ASS, the other card will condemn the players concerned to DRINK a DRY ASS.
– The last card at the top of the pyramid is a joker. It allows people with the same figure or number in their game to drink or give as many sips as possible.
The “Biskit”
Simple and effective, to play Biskit you just need one die. Each player takes turns rolling the die. If you roll a 1 you take a sip. A 2, your companions on the left and right take a sip each. A 3 and the “Biskit” takes a sip (see 5). A 4 and you invent a rule until another player rolls a 4. At the 5 all players must shout “biskit” by placing their thumb on the forehead, the last one becomes the Biskit. For 6 you distribute 6 sips to whoever you want. Simple and efficient. But take small sips.
Get a deck of cards. There are 4 rounds. During the first round the player must say “red” or “black”, we turn a card, if he is wrong he drinks otherwise he makes someone else drink. In the second round the player must say “more” or “less” than the card he drew in the first round, if he is right he drinks twice otherwise he drinks twice. In the third round the player must say “inside” or “outside” (between the two cards or outside the two cards) he distributes or drinks 3 sips. For the last round a dead end is at stake; the player must say heart diamonds clubs or spades. We draw the card, and come what may. A word of advice: this is not one of the card games to be played by two people.
Here’s a cute little card game to always have with you:
The “I never have”
Present in all teenage parties and persistent in drunken student parties, the “I have never” is a must for revealing all the embarrassing details of one’s private life.
The first player must state a truth (a real truth, for that matter) about himself, starting with the phrase: “I have never…” For example, “I have never slept with my mother “. If one of the players happens to have already slept with his mother, he must drink her drink. It is very simple. Also walk with everything that comes to mind and everything you want to know about your alcoholic friends: I never hid a corpse in the Seine/rigged class representative elections/mutilated a little cat/ sexually abused beings who are psychologically inferior to me…
The 21
Stand in a circle and a countdown begins, the first player says 1 while pointing to a player who continues with 8 etc…
At the number 7 we point both hands and it is the bottom hand which is the real one (it is the only one of the two which must be taken into account).
At the number 10 it is the look that designates the next player.
At the number 14 we point both hands and it is the top hand which is the real one (it is the only one of the two which must be taken into account).
At the number 21 we invent a new rule (reverse 2 and 13 for example).
As you have understood, the game must be fast and the person who makes a mistake must drink.
The line of 7
Lay out 7 cards face up. Each card corresponds to a number of sips (1, one sip, 2 two… And the 7th is a dead end). The player must say more or less to each card by drawing a new one from the draw pile. If he succeeds he moves on to the next one, otherwise he returns to the first card. The game ends when the player has played the 7th card or there are no more cards in the deck.
Are you missing a stylish card game? Here is one:
The snap
In a way the Jungle Speed of drinking, but there is no totem, you just have to hit the pile like a “pile of shit” (yes we know, it’s less fun when you don’t get punched). ‘nail in the knuckles).
We deal out the 52 cards of a classic card game and no one looks at their cards, so far you should get there. Each in turn, the players place a card counting from 2 to Ace (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-Jack-Queen-King-Ace). Now here are the rules:
– If you place a card corresponding to the number you have to say, everyone taps on the pile.
– If two cards of the same number/figure follow each other, everyone hits the pile.
– If the card is a 7, you must say the number in your head (ex: 4-5-…-7-8)
– If the card is a 10, everyone hits the pile
– If the card is a Queen, the pronunciation of the numbers changes meaning (e.g. Queen-Jack-10-9-8…)
– If the card is a king, the person who placed it must not say a number, their turn is skipped (ex: 8-…-9-10)
The chochoye
With a deck of 32 cards, draw the cards one by one.
7: does nothing,
8: you ask a question and the last one to answer drinks.
The 9th: you invent a rule.
The 10th: you must say “chochoye” and the last one to say it drinks.
Jack: the player before drinks.
Queen the next player.
And whoever draws the 4th king gets a hard ass.
Less more less
With 2 players with a die, each take turns throwing the one who made the lowest number drinks the difference of the two numbers (A 5 and a 1 for example 5-1=4 he drinks 4 sips).
And if you’re squinty, use a big die:
Top Chef bingo
Watch Top Chef and drink a shot every time someone says the word “gourmet”. Then we can adapt, it can be football on TF1 and we drink every time Christian Jean-Pierre says “this devil”or a France 2 Telefilm and the same as soon as an actor plays badly (be careful, people died with this one, we prefer to warn).
The big chicken
A game played with two dice and hats. We can play as many players as we want. We roll the dice each in turn and act according to the combinations:
A 2 and a 1: the player who rolled the dice becomes the big chicken. He puts a hat on his head and remains a big chicken until any other player rolls a 2 and a 1. The big chicken must drink as soon as someone rolls a 3.
If the sum of the dice is a 9, the previous player drinks.
If the sum of the dice is a 10, the player drinks.
If the sum of the dice is an 11, the next player drinks.
If the sum of the dice is a 7, all players place their thumbs on their foreheads and shout “Big Chicken”. The last one to do so drinks.
If the combination is a double (2-2, 3-3, 4-4…): the player distributes sips accordingly. For example, for a 2-2, he dispenses 2 sips.
Double 6 (6-6): the player distributes 6 sips and invents a new rule.
If a player rolls a 2 and a 1 while he is already a big chicken, he adds a hat to his hat and becomes a double big chicken (etc.) and therefore drinks double the number of sips.
While we’re at it, play with a real chicken hat in the colors of France, you’ll look smarter:
Drinking Poker
Just like a regular game of hold’em except all bets are shots, normally you hold 3 rounds and that’s it, unless you’re Keith Richards.
The finger game
Don’t worry, if the title leaves something to be desired, the game is fun. You just need to have enough people (we’ll say that below 4 is still blah blah, however there is no maximum limit).
All players place their finger on a glass in the center, or on the center of the table so as to more or less make a circle of fingers. Each turn, we will do a countdown (3…2…1…0), and on the “0”, the player whose turn it is will have to announce a number between 0 and the number of players still in play. At the same moment (on the “0”), all the players, including the one who announces the number, decide to remove their finger or leave it in the center. If the number of fingers remaining matches the number shouted by the player, he has succeeded and can therefore withdraw from the game. The others continue, and we move on to the next player. The loser is the last one still in play. He must drink the whole glass.
If you want to confuse everyone, you can use this:
The Private
Played by at least 4 people. Create a YES paper and a NO paper for each player present. Someone asks a question, possibly embarrassing, controversial, sexual, etc. For example: “I had sex with someone around the table.” Then everyone answers the question by anonymously putting their YES or NO paper in an opaque bag or box. Then, everyone announces the number of YES or NOs they think there are in the box. Once everyone has given their estimate, we check. Those who haven’t found the right number drink.
The grin
Prepare lots of small papers and a box. On the small pieces of paper, write funny messages, shameful things about someone around the table or about yourself but anonymously, unpronounceable things, etc. Once the box is full, each player takes a turn drawing a message and reading it in front of the others. Everyone must remain impassive. Not even a smile. The one who cracks drinks a shooter.
Don’t have enough room for shooters AND beer glasses? Take 2 in 1.
Bonus: The Topito
Every time you’re not reading one of our top stories, you’re drinking a dead bottle of vodka. We tried and frankly we don’t recommend it, it’s completely stupid. We tried again with water, it was better but we got up 4 times during the night to go pee.