Who Invented Golf? – HISTORY

On March 6, 1457, King James II, who was King of Scotland from 1437 until his death in 1460, banned citizens from playing football and golf in an Act of Parliament. The Scots would have played these games in the streets and graveyards, instead of practicing archery for their compulsory military training.

“No part of the country should practice football, golf or other unnecessary sports, but for the common good and for the defense of the country,” the ban said.

This ban is the first written mention of a game called golf. But what was this game? “There is both textual and visual evidence that there was a game we would call golf,” says Rand Jerris, a prominent golf historian and former director of the USGA Golf Museum and Library. “One was played on large pieces of property hitting balls in the open. The other was actually a game that was played on the streets of a village or town where they hit a ball in a cemetery or on a street. Historians have therefore differentiated between what they call short golf and the long golf practiced in Scotland in the 1500s.


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