You Can Get a Rapid Corona Test at KitKatClub Starting this Week

photo: KitKatClub.

According to a Facebook and Instagram post, the legendary Berlin fetish club KitKat will offer rapid corona tests from this Friday, December 4 for only 25 euros. Rapid corona tests are virtually impossible to obtain in Berlin, and COVID tests typically cost around $ 150. In keeping with the club’s hedonistic reputation, the post asked guests to “come naked and wild,” but quickly changed that by admitting that while it would be funny, a line of naked people around the block would likely result in legal action. against the club for alleged illegal games. The post said KitKat believed rapid testing would be extremely important in reopening nightlife despite a vaccine on the horizon. All tests will be administered by healthcare professionals.

Here’s how to take a test if you’re interested in this quick and cheap option:

  1. Register here and you will receive a QR code.
  2. Bring your QR code to KitKat at Köpenickerstraße 76, 10179 Berlin (1 minute walk from U Bahn Heinrich Heine Straße). Enter through the usual club entrance. It will almost look like a normal evening!
  3. Enter the club with your mask on. Pay with a Giro or a credit card. The test costs 24.90 euros and it is not possible to pay in cash.
  4. Show the staff your QR code and you will be tested with a throat swab.
  5. You will receive a message with your results in approximately 25 minutes. If the results are inconclusive, you will be asked to come back for a second free test. If your test is positive, KitKat asks you to quarantine and contact your doctor for a PCR test as soon as possible. KitKat will report all positive cases to the Gesundheitsamt (health authority).

This week, KitKat will be performing tests Friday through Sunday, but in the coming weeks, the test site will be open Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

With a vaccine given to healthcare workers and people in risk groups in the coming weeks, we hope the clubs can open soon. But in the meantime, it’s amazing to see nightlife establishments battling the pandemic in a way that is both affordable and efficient.

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through Adri
December 1, 2020
in clubs

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